Core Concepts


There is a global variable `Settings` under which all settings are contained. They are typically organized by package name, although there are a few root-level settings. Each package can define settings, and you can edit the settings of any package.

We have included a shorthand notation to do a "deep merge", merging new values (and nested values) with the existing values using the following syntax:


Settings.somePackage = { ... }


Editing settings

You can edit any package's settings from your own `` file or from any other user-code (`.coffee` or `.js`) file:


If you want to delete a certain setting


delete Settings.somePackage.someSetting



If a package name has a space or dash in its name it needs to be accessed using bracket-notation instead of dot-notation, since javascript variable names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores:


Settings['some package with a space']


Using existing settings

If you need to access a setting in order for your code to make a decision, you can directly access any setting from any package using `Settings.packageName.settingName` such as:


Inspecting existing settings

If you want to poke around with your live instance of VoiceCode, and all its runtime settings:

  • start up the VoiceCode CLI
  • type `Settings.somePackage`
  • hit `return ⏎` and you will see the current values for that package's settings
  • If you want to drill down to a specific setting, type `Settings.somePackage.someSetting`
  • If you want to see the entire Settings object, just type `Settings`

Settings examples:

The main `~/voicecode/` is where most basic settings should be placed:


VoiceCode lets you create any directory structure you want for your settings and commands. We recommend creating a directory at `~/voicecode/settings` under which you could put all your different settings files.

For any specific package settings that might have a long list of options (i.e. websites, abbreviations, etc.) we recommend creating a file just for that package. This is so that your main settings file does not get really long and unwieldy, and makes it easier to find the file/setting you are looking for. You can use JavaScript or CoffeeScript, here's some examples:

Augment the vocabulary using various strategies
Add some more websites to launch by name
Add some shortcuts and text snippets to insert by name
Add some more applications, and some single word app shortcuts
Add some more directories
Add some more shell commands
Boost recognition of certain words by creating a dragon command, but still process the word as plain dictation on VoiceCode side
Add some editor code snippet completions