Package Guides


Make sure vocabulary is imported

First, make sure you have imported the phonetic alphabet vocabulary words into Dragon's Vocabulary Editor. The vocabulary files are all located in `~/voicecode/generated/*.xml`. Furthermore, all the vocabulary files are auto-generated from your settings - if you change the name of a phonetic alphabet letter, it will be updated in these xml files. After any major changes, you should delete all user-vocabulary words from dragon, and reimport from these files.

Default letter names:


a: arch

b: brov

c: char

d: dell

e: etch

f: fomp

g: goof

h: hark

i: ice

j: jinks

k: koop

l: lug

m: mowsh

n: nerb

o: ork

p: pooch

q: quash

r: rosh

s: souk

t: teek

u: unks

v: verge

w: womp

x: trex

y: yang

z: zooch



To insert a single letter you just speak the root, so to get the letter “m” you would just say @[email protected], or “t” would be @[email protected]

Better recognition

When mixed in with lots of other words, recognition accuracy can be increased by adding a suffix to each single letter to help it be more easily distinguished. To make a single letter within the context of other words you add the disambiguation suffix: @[email protected] to the root. So to get the letter “m” you would say @[email protected], or “t” would be @[email protected] To be clear, this suffix is added for cases where you need "extra recognition accuracy" where the single syllable letter name may not be recognized properly.

As an example, if you are trying to insert the following code:


t = "hello"

tableValue = {td: c}


You would say:

@teek equeft coif [email protected]

@[email protected]

@cram table value equeft kirk teek dell coalgap [email protected]

Since the "c" at the very end is spoken in the middle of a complex phrase, sometimes dragon may mistake it for another word, which is the reason for having a two-syllable, highly recognizable alternative for the single syllable letter.

Letter pairs

To get two letters in a row you do not need the “ling” suffix. So to get “tx”, you would say @teek [email protected] and this would have very high recognition accuracy. Each of these root prefixes was painstakingly chosen to get reliable and conflict free results while avoiding words that would often be mistaken for common English words. For these root prefixes, reliability was emphasized over speed and ease of speaking / learning.

Three in a row

To get three or more letters in a row you just speak all letters in a row, so to say: “gif”, you would say @goof ice [email protected] Don’t worry, after a little use these become very easy to memorize and spell with.


To get an uppercase letter you add the prefix @[email protected], so "A" would be @sky [email protected]

Check out a video demo of spelling with the phonetic alphabet here:


All the names of the phonetic alphabet letters, and even the prefix for capitalization, and the suffix for better recognition are all configurable. You can see the defaults at and they can be overridden in a similar way to any other settings.

For example, if you wanted to use the Nato Phonetic Alphabet instead:
