Almost all the functionality of VoiceCode is broken up into individual packages. This makes it very flexible, extendable, and customizable. You as the end-user can create packages which have access to all the same APIs and hooks as the built-in packages. Even complicated features such as phrase and command-level repetition, auto-spacing, mouse dwell-clicking, and mouse-grid are all built using packages, and you can view the source code of any of these packages as inspiration for your own packages.
Only a few required packages are installed by default. Click on the "Packages" tab in the VoiceCode UI and scroll through the packages, enabling any that you may want to use (you can always disable a package later if needed). Click the "download" button under a package to install it.
Once some packages are enabled, switch to the "Commands" tab and start scrolling through the available commands, enabling all commands you think you may want to use. You can always come back and enable more, or disable some at any time. To enable/disable all commands in a certain package, click the toggle button at the top of the package. To enable ALL commands of all packages at once, see
After installing packages and enabling new commands, Dragon will need restarting to pick up all the changes. Either manually quit Dragon (VoiceCode will automatically restart it), or just say @drag restart@.
Now that you have enabled tons of new commands, many of which are not part of the English language, we need to import this vocabulary into Dragon so that it recognizes these words even when they are nested inside an otherwise English phrase, such as @cram my variable equeft kirk enabled coalgap true@, which would type
myVariable = {enabled: true}
To install the vocabulary follow these steps.