Getting Started

Helpful Tips

Keep VoiceCode in the Dock

It's helpful to have VoiceCode stay in the dock. It's also useful to have it launch automatically when you restart your computer.

Right-click on the VoiceCode icon and choose "Keep in Dock", and "Open at Login"

Dock preferences for VoiceCode

Memorization: Flashcards or Cheat-sheet

All the commands are listed in the VoiceCode commands window, but in order to facilitate memorizing them, a different format is much better. Making flashcards or building a cheat-sheet of the commands that are most important for your workflow are probably the most effective memorization techniques. It's important to do what works best for you. Often, creating your own set of flashcards, or building your own cheat-sheet is much more effective than using something built by someone else - the act of creating it helps it lock into memory.