
From Atom, open Preferences (`cmd-comma`), then click "install" and search for "VoiceCode", and click "install".

Additional Atom Setup

Adjust Atom Keymap

For VoiceCode to properly detect text selections in Atom, add this to your Atom Keymap file (Atom Menu > Keymap)


'atom-text-editor':  'cmd-c': 'editor:copy-selection'


Make the connection to VoiceCode more resilient

Each new atom window/file should automatically connect to VoiceCode for bidirectional communication, but sometimes these connections get flaky. Adding this line to your "Atom Init Script" should help:


atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(atom.workspace), 'voicecode:connect')


After making changes to this file, you may need to restart Atom for them to take effect.

Legacy VoiceCode Installation

If you are still on the legacy (Meteor) version of VoiceCode, a different branch of the atom plug-in needs to be installed manually. First, make sure that no VoiceCode package is currently installed in Atom, then:

  • `cd ~/.atom/packages/`
  • `git clone`
  • `cd atom-voicecode`
  • `git checkout legacy`
  • `npm install`

Then restart Atom.